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Hello Ryisnow.

I am aa big fan of yours. is there any possible way  to get the full code? i just need it for project in our schools btw im from the philippines

(1 edit) (+1)

Very Nice Game I like it somuch


I'm arabic man and with that never forgot your lessons thnk you my teacher for all , greate game ❤


Hello Ryisnow. 

I am a big fan of yours. You are a great person and you made beautiful lessons. Thank you for all you did and continuo doing.  I watch and follow half of your lessons. 

But there is still something I can't find out how.

Please tell me or maybe make a video about it (If you still havent, maybe I missed somwhere). How you make Exe file and how to load Blue Boy Adventure to The most interesting to how to make it all into an Exe file in Windows (for installation or just for running Dosnt mater, running all project as one file probably even better). Also, you once mentioned how to place images and sound as a stream so it will be taken by Eclipse/IntelliJ IDEA when making an Artifact. Please make one more video just about this in details (In IntelliJ IDEA, it seems IntelliJ IDEA has a problem to rebuild it a second time. I mean you do Artifact succesfully, change source and redo artifact and file very little and has only code inside, no extra images or sound). Please if possible also look on it.  Why I am asking exactly this? I am begginer and it is very importent to have claer easy instruction on how to save your work and show to others on Windows or Web. (With or without instaling JVM). 

If you interested we might even think about more ideas what you can try next time. 

Thanks, Alex.


Check my video How to Convert/Wrap JAR into EXE file and Bundle JRE!  I've explained the process of converting Jar to Exe in the video.


i beat the skeleton lord on a half heart, all i did was bring a bunch of blue potions and spam-magic.

Haha, that's one way to beat him. Congratz!



When it was telporting me to the dungon the game kept on flashing

That's strange. Are you playing in full-screen or window mode? 

Does it always happen whenever you enter the dungeon? How about when you enter the merchant's house?

Yes, I was playing in full screen mode.

And it does not always happen, it only happened when I came in while I was swinging my axe.


it's a really cool game that you made, and i like your tutorials especially this one, Keep it up!


Been following this tutorial some time ago. Bought this game just to appreciate the time and work the creator put in to make it. 👏

Thank you! I appreciate your kindness!

i played the beta for this. this shit wild man


This is superb, I watched your guides all the way through and just sent you a nice donation!  I definitely think you should have made this a paid game but maybe others will think it's worth the price too!  Keep developing this, found a couple issues but nothing major (stuck on trees) which is still awesome!  You have done an amazing job RyiSnow thanks for sharing your knowledge!


You're the first person ever who paid for my game! It's kind of a memorial to me. Thank you!!


I really like the style of this retro action RPG.  I've finished one floor of the dungeon so far, then I came back and saved.  I haven't beaten any green guys yet ... maybe I need to learn to block better.  Anyway, nice work, this is a fun game. :)

Glad you are enjoying the game! I've set a pretty wide window for parrying so once you get used to it, it shouldn't be so hard to beat the green guy. Good luck and I hope you'll play through till you beat the final boss :)